HomeEd / KHPS Friday Workshops
Half termly, themed, workshop based daytime sessions for HomeEd / KHPS pupils
Following discussion with parents of pupils who attend KHPS, we’re launching our proposed daytime sessions for children who are home-schooled in September 2019, on Friday afternoons, so it will also cater for the children who will be in school 4.5 days
We will provide a safe collection service from KHPS, with high visibility vests for the children to wear, picking up the children at 1pm & heading straight to the CDC Dance studios
The workshops will run until 4pm
The fun-packed sessions will follow themed 6-week programs to match LEA half terms...
Attendees will be split into work groups according to age/level to ensure everyone gets the most out of the experience
Each session will major in dance and acro with DBS cleared, qualified, insured dance teachers
We will make use of the technology we have at the studios including the sound system and big screen projection equipment
We'll also be deploying the services of the bouncy castle - just because it's Friday!!!!
We’ll finish each 6-week course with a showcase of our work
We also have capacity (currently) to accept attendees on an ad hoc,
pay as you go, basis. Attendees would need to be registered members
or have completed a membership form in anticipation & have prior
agreement in place. Speak to us if this is something of interest.
The half termly workshops will need to be paid for in advance,
via GoCardless Direct Debit, for however many sessions there
are that half term:
1st child £15.00 per session
Additional sibling(s) £12.00 per session
Homeschool children/those who aren't collected from
KHPS also £12 per session (1:30-4pm)
Don't miss out on these sessions -
Spread the word!